On Sunday, May 8, was held at the Zaragoza said municipality of Longares the feast of the Holy Thorn, which was scheduled for a popular celebration fun for those who like showing off fierce animal and those who attend them as mere spectators.

The shock was tremendous for all who were in the area, injuring three people: an adult native place with a blow to the chest, Yolanda, a spectator from Almonacid de la Sierra with ruptured patella and his son Ruben 4 years with a cut that required eleven stitches. In their desperate escape "Horton" was found with another person, a resident of La Puebla de Alfindén, who was gored in the buttocks about six inches while his son escaped unhurt from the meeting (rather disagreement) with the bull.
A partir de entonces la fuga del novillo recordó a aquellas que protagonizara el Lute hace unos años pues, tras echarse al monte y no ser localizado, hubo que movilizar a unas cuantas patrullas de la Guardia Civil, motoristas del SEPRONA y hasta un helicóptero de la Benemérita que vino de Santander para dar con sus huesos 25 horas después entre Longares y Muel. Finalmente, perdido y acorralado, “Hortelano” fue sedado, ensogado, metido en un vehículo y devuelto a su ganadería en Longares. Ahora comienza su leyenda con cuatro heridos en su primera aparición pública, lo que nadie comentará es que “Hortelano” es un novillo mansote y cobardón que no quería catch sought freedom but scared to be seen within half did not know and that must have seemed hostile.
Photos: A. Benito (Carignan)
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