has fought well the veronica and has implemented muletazos loose, including some trincherilla with substance, and little else. The truth is that the lot was ungrateful.
El Cid has had to endure the stares of 3 and with the mating 5, which came soon to cite, has failed to complete a task but with the right wave has come clean. What bad luck we had with him to learn to fight with El Cid's right hand!
who finally has the upper hand, out of pleasure and because it has touched a lot of candy, has been Fernández Esau. It has been on both sires and has porgayola handled the calico with ease. With flannel and has shown maturity and even with great character but often stay out of horn. He killed with skill and has walked in each bull ear showing that it is a rising star that can work if the stated ambition Mantine. Esau Fernández
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