Yesterday I wrote three messages to Pediap and ended all in the trash. They were too hard. Amid the smoke of

A colleague compared the situation with the orchestra of the Titanic, a comparison that I found very successful. It cost me imagine playing trumpet in the orchestra, tune a bit. Even I thought and think about the professionalism of my colleagues inmensísima dedicated each to play their instrument, while we were sinking. Yes, we did not get well and adjust them seemed that everyone was playing a different tune, driven by the sensitivity of the situation.
I think in this situation as in the present, could not contain myself and would release the trumpet and I yell to my colleagues:
Although we are musicians and we know it is really touching did anyone think to close doors? Did anyone hand made radio for help? Did anyone think to take a boat to the water? "Mourn only while you play each his instrument and his own tune? Can not we do anything?
The problem is that, if everyone does something to his ball, boat, model public health system financed by taxes, inevitably sink. We must undertake a series of coordinated actions. A possibly more a product of intelligent creation of clumsy and cowardly reaction. Close
gates, means giving up part of the boat to keep afloat the rest. Maybe we should give up the free beer, which is not the same as "copayment." Not that there have to invent much, because everything is already invented: charge for emergencies that are not true emergencies, collect when you query more than one doctor in the same day and jump directly to the financial penalty if they are three and this is not motivated by the words of the doctor who was first. You can also put the sign "insurance only invited to the first drink" (or 3.5, 10, 15 or 20 first-annual consultations on the basis of age, history, social conditions ...- but never at all but few exceptions that would have a special card that espediría medical supervision).
must call over the radio, repeatedly and relentlessly, give the rod and as Dali said: "whosoever interesting, have to lead" so no half measures in releases, or serenity, or call the consensus. Perhaps we should be pessimistic, alarmist, defeatist and doom, because you can not get different results doing the experiment in exactly the same way (I would say Einstein). Enough of half-truths, or hidden truths, or lies with our silent complicity.
have to launch lifeboats, and that can be passed by pediatricians group, temporarily abandon the ship and go to the safety of the boat, pediatric consultant to save resources. You can also go to the boat pass 5% of the pharmaceutical benefit for pensioners. May even have to climb for the 50% for assets. Perhaps we can get even 10% of the invoice generated in hospitals, and emergency consultations. What must be clear is that the boats that are released and do not exploit the current takes them and will have to get increasingly squeezed into fewer and fewer boats will become more expensive. Nigun of these measures have to be permanent, but may be temporary until you get to save the ship.
But perhaps the biggest problem of all is that each plays in the orchestra to his ball. We need an officer corps decided in this sinking ship. In this body of officers are AEP, AEPap, regional companies, WTO, SEMFYC ... None dares to tell the captain that he has no idea and walked steadily towards a disaster with incalculable consequences for the future. All these officers seem more prepared for good times. Estimated losses to perfection knowing exactly where to go, but I still have not realized that the ship is sinking and not get anywhere, while the firemen and drown with the boilers. It repeats the story of the Titanic: wrong turn, impact "unexpected", but entirely predictable (at full speed under the command of a captain who does not think it going to feed the boiler with more and more features, while officials grumble at bajini, fearing disaster without daring to say anything to avoid being branded as doomsday-), ignore importance of impact, call for help late ... We hope that our Titanic is saved and is not late yet, but the officers, this will be every man for himself, a "women, children and the elderly last"
Why scientific societies and the WTO do not apply the urgent implementation of a control system in the abuse without excluding the co-payment as a last resort? Why not be a coordinated campaign of scientific societies and the WTO, which we would add some insurance health bloggers, demanding a solution to unstoppable deterioration of the situation, that includes the co-payment? "Internet in the consultations (dinner not has been heated in the kitchen) a higher priority? Can influenza A (freshwater tank leaks) a higher priority? (Maybe more urgent but not important, I would say Mao) Why is not even possible to agree to more than 10 people to vocearlo, if all our insides to think the same? What do we fear?
We are afraid to tell the truth. We ancestral fears and taboos. We dare not say certain things. Avoid saying cancer (we like neo), that we avoid death (and say disease or death) and by all means avoid giving bad news, as the ship sinks. We put on the suit of optimists and truths dress with euphemisms: "The ship has suffered a sharp slowdown as a result of interaction with a solidified body of freshwater, which does not preclude get to New York on schedule."
THE TRUTH is that neither the crew nor the firemen, and the musicians can save the ship. We can only cry, mourn, putting out fires or close small waterways. The boat only saved the officers, possibly with the master, or captain, dismissing and appointing a new one that takes over the real situation of the boat. And maybe by then too late and we can only take each his instrument and the largest sink dignity.
Let at least to mourn and seek a life jacket while jaleáis to your officers to do something. And officials do not think that you are going to save everyone. If you remain without sailors to which you will organize official desapareceréis useless and the boat. I already I have my vest and I looked before impact, when the captain ordered "Full Steam Ahead!". Now I keep keep an eye on a boat called "private medicine", which is still plenty of room for me, but I did not want to get on because I have hope yet.
The ultimate hope is lost, though, unfortunately, is often lost along with life.
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