few days I've been attending quite amazed at the events and statements that make each other about the problem of controldores. I hear with horror
statements, which in my humble opinion, show:
- chutzpah.
- Nepotism.
- Authoritarianism.
- Ignorance.
- Selfishness.
- Messianism ...
I'll try not to name the driver and transfer to an exercise to put myself in his shoes. At the end of the day I am an employee of the administration on which depends the health of many lives and I have a huge responsibility, with some "subtle differences"
- I've studied a lot more years than they are.
- they charge significantly less (about his salary is a multiple of the difference in years of schooling than mine).
But I have no reason to complain: the company and has decided in recent years, through their elected representatives, who have been giving to the legitimate pressures exerted by drivers, while completely ignoring the good will and desire of physicians to put over our right, the citizens, avoiding any measure of pressure to get a fair improvement in our conditions labor. The non-management response, has led to an abandonment of the job, as have the drivers, with the difference (new changes) that our neglect has been gradual, but hitting an awful (more than 8000 physicians English abandoned or never came to the job and working abroad and many other private health in our country), and the difference, equally important, that this has not generated any social alarm and therefore not has declared a state of alarm or been militarized.
society works as it does, and responds more and more cowed and gave more to the various forms of blackmail (For unfair are the claims of blackmail), which to the requests that are made from well-founded reasoning and goodism of a group, association or union.
But back to topic, lo, a collective that using legitimate action (if not ethical), has achieved a number of improvements in working conditions and remuneration, which is now at a stroke, they want to remove. However posh
that are, for very young gentlemen, however freeloaders, no matter what they are, what they got, they have succeeded with the tools that our state law confers on them. Perhaps we should give more importance to have no coal the boiler (and better pay for miners and keep the mines) to take a bridge on a plane, but the company has said time and again, is more important to travel by plane, which have coal, which have good health, which have good public services. My children can attend schools with schedules painful painful but at least if I go this weekend to Milan, do not fuck me (pardon the expression). Thus, it is society that has given and Santa Rita, Rita, which is given, not removed. "
If we remove these privileges, we just have to get them to stop doing overtime, legally and legitimately and not through as if they had affected Decretazo miners, truck drivers and machinists renfe, had caused similar reactions in workers, although a similar reaction from the government, as the government knows what the priorities of our society: no, it is to be warm. No, it is not eating, because not long ago in Ceuta and Melilla on the boycott missing some essential nutrients, and the truckers' strikes have not released army trucks or militarized one. The important thing for our society, most importantly, above all, is the right to paid leave, even to deny certain groups privileged minority, the right to paid leave, as he would have the final decree of contention.
I think the drivers have not given up any essential service to the country. The country should have a bag of drivers (like doctors, teachers or firefighters) that call for hiring new drivers in case of work stoppages or excused absences. Why are not more drivers? Drivers say that because control training. And who has given them that control? In what order it appears that they are the only ones who can control the formation? Is it prohibited to import drivers? Are drivers prohibited from receiving military-type training civil air traffic control? Is it forbidden to ride schools to teach these lessons? Is it all a smokescreen and a scapegoat to divert?
As doctors want medical schools train more doctors and postgraduate education systems (MIR) form more pediatricians, it is government that paralyzes the increase. Interesting "medical matter worse shape than the English? "It is interesting to not approve the title to make them silent and subservient workers? "It is interesting that fewer pediatricians to their scarcity end up" forcing "the government in the name of" universality "or" equity "," accessibility "and" free "to eliminate the figure of the primary care pediatrician?
All this gives off a stench of decay and permanent contradiction.
Will we someday doctors can do what they have done the drivers?
Mr. Conde Pumpido, in these last days we are compared to drivers ("with veiled threats?). He was saying that what they have done the drivers is as if doctors abandon the sick in hospitals. Unfortunate statement if there ever was: I did not appreciate the possibility of dropouts in primary care in the first place, neglecting this area of \u200b\u200bcare, and secondly, sought to intimidate us with the crime of sedition, which otherwise may not know how disqualifies a worker who gets up and leaves his job, dam of stress or simply fill:
are guilty of sedition, which, without being included in the crime of rebellion, public and tumultuous rise up to prevent, by force or outside legal channels, the application of laws or any authority, body or official public official, the legitimate exercise of its functions or comply with their agreements, or administrative or judicial decisions.
The truth is that I did not see any commotion, I saw no driver prevents nigĂșn other drivers kept working. And this really worries me, because trying OBVIOUSLY accused of crimes have not been committed, is the stuff of autoriatarios and police systems. As much left the job (if they did because they were in a flat panic attacks for what they considered an attack on their rights can not be a unjustified abandonment), which in any case involves the dismissal, but do not go to jail 3 to 8 years. And this makes me reflect on the plight of education in our country, where the most frequent error committed parents and educators (and government) is threatening to things that are obviously not going to be able to carry out, or convinced by promises that will not comply, which means that no one really believe when they threaten or promise anything, with the loss of authority that entails.
Moreover, when one reads the article in the penal code, comes to mind something like a "deja vu". This we have seen: in the general strike, picketing and organized rebels, preventing them from exercising their right to work, to free movement, assembly, recognized by law, and undermining public services such as health, education, law enforcement that had to be diverted from their regular duties to allow anyone who wanted to work, I did. That day, on TV, leaving many individuals who could have been accused of the crime of sedition, but ...
Perhaps drivers should have been more diplomatic: deliver a waiver of its square driver with 15 days notice would have been a move "subtle" and forceful. Do not leave my post. I give up my job and looking for 2000 drivers in 15 days. Of course, if manipulative, I would ask for a temporary leave to care for my children or elderly parents, rather than give up my job, but if I refused, with the nest egg in recent years ... Furthermore, the resignation from the post, does not prevent you present yourself to the next oppositions should be convened urgently!!
Another issue that caused a deep impression on me has been the comments on the doubts about the massive casualties of the drivers. But do not leave my surprise at the existence of these doubts, which can only be born of ignorance of what the disease is and what are the pathogens that may lurk in a disaster situation. Let me explain with an example:
- If anger starts to circulate throughout a country, is it any wonder that there simultaneous low anger in a control tower?
- If a fire in a control tower, would it be surprising a number of casualties from burns in the control tower itself?
- If a group of drivers, have a meeting to discuss their problems and celebrate a meal together which is salmonella poisoning, would it be surprisingly low for a number of gastroenteritis in the control tower itself?
- If you take all the English drivers and put it on a wall, presenting them as a privileged young gentlemen (no privileges rained from the sky, but the government gave them the approval of public opinion, as we have said, he prefers not to miss the weekend in Milan to get an education or quality health care for their children) to public opinion rifles with insults, put-downs ... After that, assaulting them with a drop
salary (very high yes, but his salary, not stolen, but earned and awarded by government and public opinion), and finally forced to work longer hours. Could this be understood as an etiologic agent of stress that affects all drivers? So where does the surprise that many occur simultaneously down by stress? . If we add militarization and denounce you for a crime you have committed, for me the surprising thing is that we continue flying and has not happened yet no "another catastrophe."
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