Imagine for a moment that we are about to solve a movement and an opposition. Suppose also that there is a public service job which basically serves to provide employment for those already working on it, it does not seem able to assume the daunting task undertaken by the employment exchanges in public companies. These job boards have between their work destabilize the template, ensuring that no one knows the name of your doctor (for change) and loves to make gasoline burn doctors and nurses, without allowing swaps. Of course, their criteria for hiring are opposed to reason and logic more basic. Thus, while the Andalusian Employment Service prioritizes work to find long-term unemployed, the stock premium for more work, to the despair of those who have never worked, the young and long-term unemployed.
mixed and stirred it all.
The other day I asked a colleague who thought I was going to happen in the second half of September when finally after only 3 years of resolution of the PEO 2007, before the avalanche of requests for service fees and the many changes than expected. I immediately thought of an easy solution: 1 .-
Ask all interns who have not obtained a place in the OPE, if they were willing to stay in the same place they occupy today.
2 .- Open a period prior to taking office to request service fees only to the term covered today.
3 .- Give all service fees will be claimed provided that the square were to take a temporary possession had to be willing to stay there.
Easy, simple, happy to professionals and prevents changes to medical users.
But that's what I think are going to do?
1 .- There will be some professionals who are not even incorporated into the square (and not so middle management Intermediate - bad language call them plugged in, but I do not -).
2 .- The majority will, quite pissed off, possession and move into the bag to temporary or casual.
3 .- The interim will be relocated by the bag trying pissed. 4 .-
patients (of the owners and the interim pissed) is pissed off because they are tired of changing doctors and the new comes pissed. 5 .-
start to provide service commissions (days before the inauguration of the impending move to convene -2012 calculation hopefully I-), although not to the quota they held before, not to lose all the anger purchased. The quota to arrive back goats.
And it will be pissed and distracted to keep patients and physicians most important problems they face.
This I have not invented it myself. Comes in the "manual of henpresas jestiĆ³n Adhatoda puvlicas," which the author know, but I know that has been extensively reviewed from the point of view of non-sexist language.
to know that this is just a fable and any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental.
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