Hay que reconocer que cuando los gestores de medio pelo hablan de la gestión demand, it is as if it was something very "in". The problem has happened to her is given by the possible errors and ignorance of the significance that may have the sound [in] as different ways of writing or as precede or Postpone.
The result of ignorance of what is demand management, has given rise to different attitudes depending on the part of manager, and as the wind blows. Of course in high places, the only management who claim to know (they say) is the management "in" autonomy and professional managers to look sort of care and allow maximum citizen satisfaction, without turning centers health in a "no vallao vineyard."
But many area directors, district, ZB and UGC (not all) missed the day they explained the delay EASP what is and what is management "in" in demand. The delay means that happens when a patient is slow to respond more than 24 hours after an appointment in primary care. It looks even saw many Sesame Street and do not distinguish small hours of minutes or seconds, so I have coined a new term, based on the commutative property (also missed math and do not know what it is), leading to a transposition of words, with such dire consequences as when it comes to large vessels: management rather than "in", transposed words and became in-demand management, ie "demand you eat it with potatoes and ketchup, for the coronary-clogging as soon as possible."
And I leave you with a saying that has nothing to do with the input (the evil-minded believe that the photo and saying they do have to do):
"Whoever comes to mule del cielo le cae el arnés."
He estado buscando otro que dijera más o menos "el que nace gestor, desde arriba lo señala un dedo", pero lo del mulo es lo más parecido que he encontrado, aunque no tenga absolutamente nada que ver (Dios me libre).
Esperemos que algún día se decidan a convocar esas plazas por concurso oposición o al menos por concurso de méritos, en lugar de hacer un concurso de popularidad, quiero decir de impopularidad (la partícula im también hace de las suyas según donde se coloque).
Ni que decir tiene que esto no ocurre en ningún lugar. Es el borrador de un guión de una comedia que estoy preparando y para el que espero vuestras aportaciones.
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