we go three days in Seville farming caste no "hard". And how well will it all come to the charge of "Sticking". How to complain because some stakeholders have not worked bulls and how much damage does this do to the diversity of spigots in the Fiesta does little good afternoon jalean of these strains, they have them, and with what fury spread the bad that also have!. And is that these bulls will be what the game will be and we've all seen it, but leave intact the square of defenses, and although bad, any given emotion, like the fourth of Dolores Aguirre with which the public became scared but not bored. We'll see how the bulls are lanterns, which are fine appearance, which draw defenders and the game offered.
is true that today has been another week without any history in La Maestranza. Worrying so marked by gentleness of five of the six bulls and secure Alcurrucén deal in which Mr. Lozano will be drawing their own conclusions, then that product, with faces that are inputs, is not acceptable to offer the viewer, and Seville if less. These bulls
Oliva Soto has been decorated with the first, which is over soon because the fighting has been horrific, and undocked with the fourth, the only acceptable closure and these are things that take their toll. At Camas is expected today as rain in May (in the field, not the bulls), because before yesterday He lectured a number of natives, a nothing, a copy of Conde de la Maza, and as we are now used to not seeing anything, if presents us with four natural and breast meat are opened. But today it has returned the coin is determined to fight bulls for the right and should know that the rapture is to the left. If you do not sell bikes and they tell the truth, learn today.
With him Rubén Pinar acartelaba debut Roberto Espinosa of attorney, and now has a new mentor task because the bullfighter is out cold as núñez, likes to rub a lot of the bull, leave plenty of downtime and very cross little. He stands in the center of a circle and forcing the bull to move on the circle. Therefore we have to whistle, which do not think that what was heard was for the bull, which certainly has not helped either. Finally
Storekeeper Miguel has proven to deliver two copies outcasts base and become even been able to look a little to the sixth.
As a matter for history to note that debuted at the box D. Fernando Fernández-Figueroa, who has been right. The new President is Secretary General of the Provincial de Sevilla, he fought light in the Arsenal when he was a bullfighter and has a reputation for being a good amateur. From here we wish him well in his new role.
Photo: Burladero.com
Photo: Burladero.com
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