As promised, I'm willing to do the devil's advocate. In that line, I echo the comment of a colleague who heard to remark to an expert in Data Protection Act, which was precisely the Data Protection Act which made inadvisable to have internet in the office.
And today, a news has confirmed.
Or not?
seems that what tends to get lost (and found) are stories of paper flapping in the wind carried through the streets, landfills and urban containers. Even in a third of the hospitals!
is seen that no one can be expert in everything and LOPD experts, are what they are: people who know almost everything about the Data Protection Act, and almost nothing about everything else, including computer course, network security, database security, so it is not uncommon to confuse the bacon with the bandwidth.
Anyway, it would not hurt so much that instead of broadband in the hospital, spend some more in primary care.
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