"If force is contagious, it is equally weak: it has its attractions, it is not easy to resist him. When the weak are legion, I love, I crush, how to fight a continent of apathetic? Since the evil of the will is also nice, you give yourself to it willingly. Nothing sweeter than crawl outside events and nothing more reasonable . But without a strong dose of dementia, no initiative whatsoever, or company, or gesture. The reason: the rust of our vitality. It's crazy in us that compels us to the adventure, if we leave, we are lost: everything depends on him, even our vegetative life, is he who invites us to breathe, which forces us to it, and it is also who pushes the blood to walk through our veins. If you leave, we were alone! You can not be normal and live at a time. If I stay in an upright position and prepare myself to take the time to come, if, in short, imagine a future, because of a lucky disorder of my spirit. Subsist and act to the extent that madness, that led to either my ramblings. As I become wise, all scare me: I slip into the absence, to springs that do not deign flow toward the prostration that life must know before you conceive the motion, I agree to the force of cowardice the bottom of things completely cornered into an abyss in which nothing I can do, and I isolated from the future. An individual, as a nation or continent, is extinguished when the designs are repugnant and thoughtless acts, when, rather than risk, and rushed into being, takes refuge in him back to him: "metaphysics of regression , the closer, back into the primordial! "
Emil Michel Cioran . writer and philosopher of Romanian origin (1911-1995)

As my readers know, is a source of Cioran knowledge and inspiration to me. In his words many times I see reflected. These words he uses in his book "The Temptation to exist", which I can recommend (except that you may be mad or depressed), are used to describe the decline Europe, but it could be applied to describe, as he says, the decline of an individual, a nation or continent, but also could be, and this I would add, a profession or a partnership. Cioran
yet in his speech did not include the many facets of life and therefore the various deaths or individual stocks. Some may be very much alive in the personal, family or social, making here and there small or large follies, died while in labor, given the apathy of reason. There are diametrically opposed and only life, clinging and attachment, is his working life, and it is here that his madness germinates and flourishes. Also there are sane and insane topped absolute.
The truth is that if I want to spread my strength or in the depths of my being is a longing increasing ratio and weakness.
What if I have to clear is that long attempt to spread my madness with a Pyrrhic victory increasingly undermining my existence. I need a win soon or I will deliver, with all its consequences, to reason.
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