PANDORA IN - April 2011
- The , Saturday April 16 will be at the usual time for Medium and Major. (5 to 7:30 pm)
- On April 18-19-20 will open during the mornings with these groups and times:
- MONDAY 18: Excursion to the Barranco de la Muerte (torrero .) 36 seats for Medium-Major by order of registration. Hours: 9.45 am to 13.00 pm. The tour will walk, both the outward and return. If 10-12 participants are encouraged to go by bike, this group will make the trip by bike. Essential for participate: Bring lunch, water, hat and appropriate footwear for walking.
- TUESDAY 19: Open-to-Major and Medium Minis - from 10.30 to 13.00. Room will have 24 seats to be reserved until Thursday 14, in order of registration.
- WEDNESDAY 20: excursion Utebo Park-Commuter Train . 36 seats for the group and Minis Peques 4 years in order of registration. Hours: 9.00 to 13.00. Registration fee € 1. The trip to Miraflores station will walk, both the outward and return. Essential to participate: Bring lunch, water, hat and shoes suitable for walking.
- 21 to April 25 the center will closed.
• It is very important for your sons and daughters A HEALTHY EATING, so it is STANDARD in PANDORA, bring lunch and snacks.
• You must bring to activities sweets, gum, money, electronics, telephones, etc..
• If you have space reserved notice is required if you are going to miss with at least 30 minutes early and arrive punctually . Not met any seats be given to other children who are waiting, and take into account the following activity with reserved spaces.