Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What Would A Say In A Spanish Sympathy Card

CEAJE (BURGOS JUNE 2007) was born

The past 15, 16 and June 17 , coinciding with the feast of "El Parral" of Burgos, was held at the Capital Burgalesa the Quarterly Meeting of the English Confederation of Young Lawyers , meeting in which the registration is the same of our Association Alavesa.

The meeting, set in magnificent locations, both the official receipt, as the quarterly meeting itself, held at the Palais des Saldañuela, was a success, both practical and organizational.

Throughout the entire meeting were numerous issues to be discussed, gaining special importance generated growing concern among the Young Lawyers / as by certain rumors or circumstances indicate a possible change in the current law of "Time trade ", which could harm all / as the / Lawyers as young workers.

This issue will be addressed further in the next quarterly meeting, to clarify the true depth of all the comments on this topic.

also noticed that the new headquarters next Quarterly Meeting will Palma de Mallorca, expected meeting will be held on 7, 8 and 9 September 2007.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Playground Game On Primary Games

AJA's blog

blog is born of the Association of Young Lawyers of Álava, through which are made available to all / as those / as those who want news, legislation and any other issues that may be of interest.